
Hit the road with me as I aim for gold


HEY GUYS! I just wanted to say HAPPY SECOND BLOGIVERSARY TO MY AMAZING BLOG! Thank you so much LittleOnionWrites and Katy Lee for making my blog adventure so exciting! 

Later! 😀



Toughing It Out… OUT of the Water

Good day, friends! Welcome back!

Now, we’ve had plenty of life experiences to tell all about, but now it’s time to get to the real reason of this blog: Road to Gold.

What does it mean? It means this blog is supposedly about my Road to Gold. Of course. Any attempts to get one of those precious medals have failed. I’ve tried once, and it failed due to a head injury.

So now that I’ve gotten back on my feet and am all healed, I can continue on the Road.

This past season has been rather painful. As I mentioned in a previous post, I hurt my shoulder. The sport of archery (FF101, my bro, is well involved in it) has messed up the rotator cuff. It really, really hurt. And it limited my swimming, my skiing, my archery, my tennis, and even my sleep.rotoator cuff

The consequence was my best stroke stripped from me for the whole season. Yes, I could not swim Butterfly Stroke at all. If you’ve seen the Butterfly stroke in action, you’d noticed the shoulders. How the work so hard to get those arms up and around with such force. Since Backstroke is also strenuous on the shoulders, I was stuck with my least favorite stroke of them all: Breastroke.

I surprisingly did alright. I definitely improved, an hour and forty-five minutes of freestyle and Breastroke, three times a week must have paid off!

It was a really interesting season. I couldn’t swim as hard as usual, so I wasn’t placed in the big championships. However, I was fast enough to win the smaller championships. 🙂 I got first in all of my events, and getting first and second in the relays.

Now the season is over. And a new challenge awaits.

Remember last summer? The state championships and the concussion? Well, THIS year, each state gets a chance to qualify for the State Games of America 2015 in Nebraska. How to qualify is simple: Get first, second, or third place in your event.SGA

So that’s my goal for this year: Qualify for the SGA. It’s going to be difficult, but I have friends that know I can do it.

Ever think you’re going to fail? Did you feel encouraged to know that people had your back the whole time?



The Coolest Winter

Hey, all! Welcome back!

I wanted to remind you that JUST BECAUSE SPRING IS HERE, DOESN’T MEAN THE SNOW’S GONE. What I did with that precious white stuff this winter was probably the coolest ever. Trust me.

So there’s this mountain called Mount Monadnock. Under this popular mountain there is a bible camp called “Monadnock Bible Conference”. The camp had many retreats: Winter Teen, Summer Teen, Summer Kids, Women’s, etc,.  I, of course, went to the Winter Teen retreat (Formally called Encounter).

I mean this place had the coolest stuff to do. There was snow tubing, laser tag, a game room, the snack bar, a talent show, and of course, the coolest sessions ever. Not to mention the rubber chickens hidden throughout the camp.

Monadnock Chicken

Our secret chicken loot!

The food was heavenly. And I mean heavenly. We had pizza at 11pm on Friday night, pancakes for breakfast, tacos for lunch, mashed potatoes for dinner, I forget for breakfast, and CORN for lunch. It was pretty much the best weekend of food in my life.CORN

The activities were probably one of the best parts. I had mentioned above that there was snow tubing. We went night tubing as well! Actually, at snow tubing, I had met a few new friends who are super awesome!!! The laser tag was also very fun, though someone ran into a barrel while they were shooting at us. It looked like it hurt. A lot.

The music, oh the music. It was so good. One of the leaders rapped for us (which was cool), and the Chris Evans Band lead worship at all of the sessions. He was filled with talent and sang wonderfully, accompanied by his other musically gifted band members.PIANO

Dwight Night and his speech series on the 5 Questions

Dwight Night and his speech series on the 5 Questions

Our speaker, Dwight Knight, was so filled with wisdom and he had so much to offer. Dwight taught us about the 5 Questions:

1. Origin: How did I get here?  We need to know how we got here before we start asking anything else.

2. Purpose: Why am I here? Why did God put me on this Earth anyway? The answer is to show everyone that god could love me.

3. Nature: Why do I act the way I do? Because it’s in our nature, of course. We’ve been sinning since Eve ate the apple.

4. Change: How can I be different? You can’t. Sin never really goes away. But filling our minds with prayer, Christian fellowship, and simply God can really make the difference.

And 5. Destiny: What happens after I die? The world keeps on spinning. It was spinning before you were born, and it’ll continue after. However, WE are not just “over” when we die. We accept Jesus while we’re alive, but then we have an eternity with Him when we die.


Have you ever been to a camp or retreat? Did you have fun?

Or how about this: Do yourself a favor and think about the questions above. Check out Dwight’s books if you’d like. 🙂

