
Hit the road with me as I aim for gold

Looking Better in Black

Hey, guys! What’s up?

A while ago I mentioned in my post, Book Worm, that I enjoyed reading. Well, with the whole concussion thing, I obviously wasn’t allowed to read.
Now, a few months later, I can proudly read again with hardly any struggles.
So what am I reading now? Well, if I do say so myself, I have been pretty obsessed with the Shadowhunters lately.
Yep! I am reading the Infernal Devices Series by Cassandra Clare. Really, it’s a good story. I read the manga before I read the Clockwork angel Mangabooks and, just so you know, never judge a book by its manga. You don’t know the author’s writing style in it at all. You only get dialogue, which is cool, but there’s no color… of course. 😦
The thing that really perked my interest is the Mortal Instruments movie. That’s probably why I wanted to read the Infernal Devices anyway. I wanted to watch the movies in my local theatre so badly! But, I hadn’t read City of Bones yet.
Taking a deep breath, I broke the rules and bought my ticket to see the movie without reading the book first, something I never do. Ever.

The only other time I have done this was with Howl’s Moving Castle. A great movie, really. A must watch. cityofbonescoverbookBut, I read the book after the movie and, quite frankly, the book was a major disappointment. It was boring, not funny, not as romantic, and just not as good. The only similarity to the movie was the characters names and the title… not cool. I’ve always wondered if I would have enjoyed the book more if I had read it before I watched it. That was the case with City of Bones. I felt bad, guilty even, watching the movie. I didn’t want to ruin the book for myself.

I judge a movie by its story, characters and the cast choice, computer graphics and effects, and the soundtrack. City of Bones had… almost it all.
ClaryThe story, thank Cassandra for writing the story and book. The characters, thank Cassandra and the amazing actors. Jamie Campbell Bower and Lily Collins are some of the coolest actors and actresses I’ve pinned to my Pinterest.
Visual effects… well, they were quite good. I mean, sometimes you jump out of your seat because it looks pretty real. (Which is always good.)
The soundtrack? Major disappointment. The score didn’t even have much to it. Just a few suspenseful riffs for each song! I was at least expecting a beautiful piece for the romantic scene… no, they had to play a quite cheesy Demi Lovato song. In the entire movie, I think my favorite song would have been Bach’s Prelude in C Major. (They claim that Bach is a Shadowhunter… cute.) I have an interesting taste for music, I know.

Something interesting is that everyone had a different opinion on the movie. Like here’s a few:

My friend who went to the theatre with me: “I thought the Computer Generated Imagery (CGI) was really good. I didn’t notice one mistake and Jace is soooo PERFECT!”

Alfred: “Horrringfyingly awesome but a little too dramatic.”

Ludwig: “Probably the best modern day set film I’ve seen in a while.”

littleonionwrites: The movie, overall, was great and I really enjoyed it.  I can’t wait to read the fourth installment of TMI and hope that City of Ashes is taken to the big screen.  🙂 (you can read littleonion’s full review here.)

Rotten Tomatoes: The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones borrows ingredients from seemingly every fantasy franchise of the last 30 years — but can’t seem to figure out what to do with them. (Those rotten- gr…)

That night, I pretty much died of feels. My friend and I cried and hugged each other, a pole in the theatre, and the air (AKA Jace Wayland). To get my mind off of it for a while, I went to a pool to train a bit. Bad idea. You can’t swim when salty tears are filling up your swim goggles… it hurts.
My overall rating? Drumroll, please!KIDRIBBONS4

That’s right, 4 ribbons for City of Bones.
But really, if we’re going to give an extra half ribbon to on of the most stunning male protagonist, I think this movie would deserve it.


 I mean, come on!Jace, my love


Giving 2020 a Shot

Konnichiwa, guys! I’m back with some AWESOME NEWS!!!

So in my post about swimming last May, I mentioned the candidate cities for the 2020 Olympics. They were Madrid, Spain; Istanbul, Turkey; and Tokyo, Japan. If you didn’t know, I’ve always wanted to go to Japan… always…

Tokyo_2020_OlympicI think my Olympic dream might actually come true. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) announced on Saturday night at 5:00 in Buenos Aries that the 2020 Summer Olympic Games will be hosted in Tokyo.

That’s right, y’all! TOKYO!

I was on my way to Glow Golf with my fabulous Youth Group when my annoying brother, Ludwig, randomly shouted “AUDREY! CHECK THE IOC!!! Where’s the Olympics!?!?!?!?!”

Then I started freaking out. Luckily, my friend handed me her phone and let me searched and there it was in olybig, bold, beautiful, amazing letters:



map_venueAQUATICSMy friend (who also swims): “WHAT?”

My friend (the one who the phone belongs to): “ARE YOU OKAY?”


It was very strange and awesome all at the same time.

Yeah, Luddy is starting archery. I thought I’d also give it a shot. 🙂 Maybe Luddy and I could compete in States together! MAYBE WE COULD BOTH BE IN THE OLYMPICS TOGETHER? 😀 I, in swimming and Luddy in archery!map_venueARCHERY

I know… Another thing on my large plate of activities and sports. But since I had to stop karate last year, I have a little bit of time before the swim season starts up again! Lud, Emma, my mom, and I went to the local range for a lesson in archery.

SAMSUNGLuddy and I were pretty good! It looked as if the teacher was surprised to see that I wasn’t starting lessons. Fortunately, there was one more opening for me to join. How excited I was! 😀

So who’s excited for the Olympics? Do you like archery?